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Category Archives: News
Culinary meetings in Stara Zagora
In the Complex for Social Services for Children and Families – Stara Zagora at the “Mission Krile” Foundation, a great culinary meeting was held, organized within the framework of the MigrantVoicesHeard project. More than 60 people tried the delicious traditional dishes prepared by Ukrainian refugees. The event lasted for 3 hours, intertwining culinary delights, UkrainianContinue reading “Culinary meetings in Stara Zagora”
Capacity Building Trainings
SVF, Hungary As part of the Migrant Voices Heard, Subjective Values Foundation conducted six capacity-building training sessions over the course of 2022 and 2023, each focusing on distinct aspects of community empowerment. First Training: Organizing Participatory Community Action Planning (Module 1)The first module delved into the intricacies of organizing Participatory Community Action Planning. Building onContinue reading “Capacity Building Trainings”
Today is World Refugee Day
On June 20, we celebrate World Refugee Day as an expression of empathy and solidarity with the plight of millions of people forced to flee their homelands due to conflict and persecution. Today we want to remind that millions of people residing in the EU are deprived of the right to vote in their countryContinue reading “Today is World Refugee Day”
Cultural Festivals are Part of the Multicultural Cluj and a Real Source of Power
The cultural markets are bringing together migrants and host communities to experience each other’s cultures, aiming to improve the public’s attitude toward migrants. Festivals that focus on promoting culture also enhance knowledge of different traditions and customs among participants, reinforcing our shared community and our common cultural ties. Festivals also contribute to the development ofContinue reading “Cultural Festivals are Part of the Multicultural Cluj and a Real Source of Power”
Strengthening migrant participation through capacity-building trainings in Romania
The MigrantVoicesHeard capacity-building trainings represent a process by which migrants and migrants-led organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, and other resources needed to ease their integration process and strengthen their participation in the decision-making process. The Romanian Peace Institute – PATRIR, under the project MigrantVoicesHeard, delivered a package of fundamental and holisticContinue reading “Strengthening migrant participation through capacity-building trainings in Romania”
Strengthening migrants’ participation in decision-making and integration policies
Α dynamic, intercultural society implies that all of its members are actively involved in the decision-making processes that concern their communities and their future. Migrants and refugees should be given a fair share in these processes, as they are the people who are most directly and profoundly affected by the decisions and integration policies implemented at a local,Continue reading “Strengthening migrants’ participation in decision-making and integration policies”