Community Talks

SVF, Hungary

Subjective Values Foundation completed the Community Talk activity part of the Migrant Voices Heard successfully bringing together migrants and members of the host communities to engage in thoughtful discussions on the challenges and opportunities associated with migrant integration.

The First Community Talk event was held during the holy month of Ramadan, a deliberate choice recognizing its significance for Muslims, who fast from dawn until sunset. This unique gathering included a Ramadan Iftar dinner and welcomed six representatives from civil society organizations dedicated to migrant issues, along with 20 participants (13 Female/7 Male). The event’s agenda allowed time for networking, sharing a meal, and engaging in constructive discussions. Participants were divided into five round tables, each focusing on a different aspect of migrant integration: Language, Education, Work, Health Care, and Governmental Procedures. These topics were already central to the community action plan, but this time, discussions included not only the migrant community but also representatives from other civil society organizations and individuals who had not previously participated in the foundation’s training and meetings. Language barriers emerged as one of the primary issues facing migrants, with valuable suggestions offered on how to address this challenge. Participants also emphasized the necessity of connecting newly arrived migrants with those who have been in Hungary for an extended period, facilitating the sharing of experiences and insights.

The second Community Talk event took on a more informal format, with a community picnic. Three additional representatives from civil society organizations joined the conversation, along with 19 participants (11 Female/8 Male). Beyond discussions, this event included team-building and networking activities, including a group bike ride on Margaret Island in Budapest. The picnic provided an ideal setting for participants to reflect on the outcomes of the first Community Talk and the community action plan. During the picnic, participants explored the importance of organizing a community group, discussing the benefits it would bring to both the community and individual members. They also identified key actors and allies essential to effectively support the migrant community. A recurring theme throughout the event was the need for a migrant council or group, seen as an avenue to strengthen the community, foster unity, advocate for their rights, and facilitate resource sharing.